[August 2020]Chatbot Trend Analysis Report by TonyAround


Chatbot Trend Analysis Report by Tonyaround has been utilizing and analyzing data or keywords of online news in South Korea, and Google Trend’s data result related to chatbot. Through these data or information, this report analyzes how chatbot market for the world and South Korea is moving, and what trends related to chatbot are raising. One of key purposes in this report is to discover hot areas and new insights/initiatives in chatbot market, by analyzing related topic and keywords to chatbot.

The following is table of contents in this report:

  • Summary of Chatbot Trend Analysis
  • Amount of Searching ‘Chatbot’ in Worldwide
  • Related Topic to Chatbot in Worldwide (Top Rank / Raising)
  • Related Keywords to Chatbot in Worldwide (Top Rank / Raising)
  • Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Keyword Relationship Analysis)*
  • Amount of related online news to Chatbot, South Korea*
  • Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Word Cloud Analysis)*
    *Korea’s cases are offering its contents in Korean. However, its summary is in English

[August 2020]Chatbot Trend Analysis Report by TonyAround

Summary of Chatbot Trend Analysis (August 2020)

World Trend

Compared to the previous month’s data, amount of searching ‘Chatbot’ has been little increased. Especially, its amount was more increased in the weekend. It may be caused by starting new semester of university or coming research season for business companies.

Related keywords to ‘Chatbot’ is mainly associated with launching new chatbots. New rising keywords are development framework, development kit (or builder), and related educations. This flow means that methods to develop chatbot have been more various than before.

Also, if we expand chatbot’s search ranking, can check that chatbot development builders are higher ranked than before. They include Streamlabs, Rasa Chatbot, Zendesk Chatbot, and Hubspot Chatbot. Especially, Hubspot’s chatbot is hot because they have a power to utilize CRM tools.

I can infer that messenger platform’s line-up is fixed, such as Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. Therefore, I expect hot competition among related chatbot companies to development kit and its builder.

South Korea’s Trend

In the case of South Korea, when it comes to A.I chatbot, KAKAO and NAVER are still on the top. Especially, one remarkable point is that A.I speaker produced by Korea Telecom(KT) is rising as a new keyword of this month. Also, LG Electronics recently enhanced their chatbot service for improvement of customer engagement. And, as un-tact business is more expanded around the world, finance industry, especially bank area, actively utilize chatbot service to make their transaction.

Especially, from the previous month, attractive point is chatbot business by the government. Their chatbots started getting civil complaints. These areas will be continuously expanded and upgraded. For a while, the government will focus on quantitative growth.

In addition to that, high-ranked keywords related to chatbot are made up companies’ name, such as Hanhwa Insurance, Hyundai Rentalcare, Woori Bank, and NH Bank.

Summary of Chatbot Trend Analysis

Amount of Searching ‘Chatbot’ in Worldwide

Related Topic to Chatbot in Worldwide (Top Rank / Raising)

Top 10

Online chat
Internet bot
Artificial intelligence
Facebook Messenger
Application programming interface


Software framework200%
Scripting language200%
Google Assistant200%
Human voice170%
Social media110%

Related Keywords to Chatbot in Worldwide (Top Rank / Raising)

Top 10

ai chatbot
chatbot facebook
chatbot whatsapp
streamlabs chatbot
messenger chatbot
chat bot
chatbot service
aws chatbot
rasa chatbot


chatbot examples

Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Keyword Relationship Analysis)

Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Keyword Relationship Analysis) - August, 2020
Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Keyword Relationship Analysis) – August, 2020

Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Word Cloud Analysis)

Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Word Cloud Analysis) - August, 2020
Keyword Analysis in related online news to Chatbot, South Korea (Word Cloud Analysis) – August, 2020

[August 2020]Chatbot Trend Analysis Report by TonyAround

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