The Present Condition and Forecast of Chatbot in Korea (Is Chatbot Alive Well?)

The present condition and forecast of Chatbot in Korea (Is Chatbot Alive Well?)
Chatbot market sentiment and its reasons will be explained.


Is ‘Chatbot’ alive well?
Why does this question appear at now?
It has been three years that Chatbot is introduced in Korea market.
However, it is hard to think that its feedback and assessment are good from the public.
Chatbot market has a long way to go in Korea.

Key Point: Recognition Gap

Actually, its first button was done wrong.
The main reason is the recognition gap about Chatbot
The key reason of using keyword ‘Chatbot’ is caused by the keyword ‘Artificial Intelligence’ with introduction of Google AlphaGo Project.
However, Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot are definitely different.

Generally, Artificial Intelligence is upper concept (than ‘Chatbot’), and the best tool to efficiently and effectively show A.I is Chatbot.

So, why does this recognition gap appear?
The following is the outspoken view about this.

Key Point: Was Not Ready

Most companies was not ready to sudden introduction about the related keywords, industries and services to A.I or Chatbot, after Google AlphaGo Project.

With this situation, the investigation about them was about to begin.
It was a good chance that start-up companies having various solutions and products about Chatbot introduce it to bigger companies in the market. For them, it was easy to introduce and offer it because A.I or Chatbot was the core keyword, like ‘magic’.

It meant that most bigger companies had them without full-understanding of A.I or Chatbot. It was tragic and had made a lot of mistakes.

A lot of companies introduced Chatbot service or solution without a basic preparation, like full-understanding about its keyword or concept.
This situation made most companies to delegate all or core authorities to its vendors.
The vendors was difficult to implement ideal assignments their clients wanted.
Justly, the clients disappointed their vendors, frequently came into conflict with them.

Key Point: Impractical Press Release (or Wrong PR??)

This section is the key part with the above section.
Most companies introducing Chatbot in the market started to headily announce their service to the public with using hot keyword, Artificial Intelligence.
It was the momentum to announce ‘This is A.I’ to the public.
They did not describe its difference between A.I and Chatbot.
Rather, they were focusing on introducing their service.
Actually, it was also the purpose for marketing to have competitiveness.

With intensified competitiveness,
it seemed that there was no border between A.I and Chatbot.

A bigger problem is the next section.

Key Point: Customer’s Disappointment

this situation made their customers to disappoint Chatbot services made by companies, formed negative sentiments about market of A.I as well as Chatbot.

Some companies sensing its negative sentiment stopped or changed its services.

So, is Chatbot alive well now?

” Finally, ‘Yes’ “

Firstly, it is necessary to explain about the following image.
The following image is called ‘Hype Cycle’ presented by Gartner (major consulting company in U.S)

Summarized in the above,
if new technologies and trends appear,

  • Step 1. interest of the public sharply increases
  • Step 2. with expectation of its introduction, the related services are actually introduced or offered
  • Step 3. disappointment and disillusionment about its technologies
  • Step 4. introduction of its successful business cases and use cases
  • Step 5. finally, its technologies and service perfectly and socially adopted

At now, Chatbot is just going through the step 3 or 4.

Personally, a wistful point is that Korea Chatbot market is relatively slower than its foreign markets in the ‘Hype Cycle’.

It is strongly related to active investment from companies hoping introduction of A.I or Chatbot.
Even though it is sorry, it is not the worst.
The time will solve that.

Definitely, Chatbot will be the popular technology and service with A.I technologies or functions.

There is something I thought.
As a result, Chatbot is living well now.
However, if new technology (not ‘Chatbot’) is introduced, later, and then, someone asks ‘Will there be no any mistakes on the above?’, we will have to tell ‘No’

It is similar to the past situation like the beginning stage of smartphone.
Although its reason is little different, the public already went through the same steps on the above.

Therefore, Chatbot will be on the glory day with various technologies and functions of A.I (Artificial Intelligence).


“Chatbot is alive well,
will be alive well with other new situations. “

by Tony Around
‘The present condition and forecast of Chatbot in Korea (Is Chatbot Alive Well?)’

4thindustrialrevolution 4차산업 4차산업혁명 2020 2021 ai aichatbot analysis artificialintelligence bot business Casestudy CHATBOT chatbotforecast chatbotproject chatbotrend chatbotstrategy DIGITAL IT service trend UX 금융 네이버 논문 디지털 미래 보고서 비즈니스 빅데이터 서비스 신기술 인공지능 인공지능챗봇 전략 전망 챗봇 챗봇전망 챗봇트렌드 챗봇프로젝트 카카오 카카오톡 트렌드 플랫폼

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