Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot

Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot

If getting service lists for the chatbot made in its preparation steps, it has to decide which types of the chatbot will be the best for your business. Through this step, the resources to make it can be deduced. It can be a core part to create the business case(documents for a project). Let’s see types of the chatbot.

By types of the chatbot, its cost, professionalism, and time are compared. Its scale is composed of 5 indexes, such as very high, high, normal, low, and very low.

Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot
챗봇의 종류도 커피만큼 다양하다.
A Type of Chatbot Is Various like Coffee
A Type of Chatbot Is Various like Coffee
Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

Conversation Chatbot

Conversation type is the chatbot being able to make natural conversation based on NLP(Natural Language Processing). Conversation chatbot is based on A.I(Artificial Intelligence). Its base is machine learning and deep learning. If someone make a question(as a sentence) to the chatbot, it makes the answer for that.

Even though its basic shape is speech bubble, it sometimes shows a specific contents (like not text, but image) or make a trigger to run other services. As the final outcome, it is the process to make the answer by analyzing the question. Most of this type might be A.I chatbot which common people can easily hear from the mess media.

Basically, it is essential to get huge text data (called ‘unstructured data’) because based on A.I. Therefore, its level of difficulty is very high, and its period is very long.

  • Cost: Very High
  • Professionalism: Very High
  • Time: Very High
Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot
대화형 챗봇
Conversation Chatbot
Conversation Chatbot

Tree-Based Chatbot

This is the type to get the answer by following the fixed tree structure. Generally, it is not based on A.I. It is like multiple choice quiz. Number of cases for the final answer is fixed. It can be easily developed, and its number of cases can be increased by the customers’ feedback.

This type is commonly utilized for the service, FAQ. It was popular in the chatbot of the first generation. It is recommended if a size of your business is small and information is well-structured.

  • Cost: Very Low
  • Professionalism: Low
  • Time: Normal
Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot
트리형 챗봇
Tree-Based Chatbot
Tree-Based Chatbot

Recommendation Chatbot

A shape of this type is outwardly like the conversation type. However, it is different from the conversation chatbot. Recommendation chatbot can be based on A.I or not. If making a question to the chatbot, it will show the answer lists recommended by a result of the algorithms. The answer lists was pre-defined by someone. Those orders on the chat display can be different by weight of the words.

If there is only one answer, it will be similar to conversation chatbot. Even though the users can be uncomfortable to take the answer because they have to find and select it on the lists, a possibility to take the answer they want will be high. This is because they can directly find and select it. Of course, there is a risk for its opposition. Also, this type might be so practical because the answers by A.I chatbot can not be perfect on now.

In the case of this type, it is commonly utilized as a middle stage to transform to A.I.

  • Cost: Normal
  • Professionalism: Normal
  • Time: Normal
Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot
추천형 챗봇
Recommendation Chatbot
Recommendation Chatbot

Scenario-Based Chatbot

It is the chatbot to offer a specific service or output by the fixed scenario. For the final output on the chatbot, it receives essential information (input data from the customer) from the customers, on each step.

For example, if someone needs to login, the chatbot will request ID to the customer, and he or she will input ID. And then, the chatbot will do its validation check, and request a password as its next step. The final goal of this is to make the user to login, which means that the process for it is fixed.

In the case of this chatbot, customer experience can be improved by the analysis of the bounce rate because it has each step for the service.

It is recommended to use this type if your service or final outcome is fixed. This is well-known as the most efficient chatbot type.

  • Cost: Normal
  • Professionalism: Normal
  • Time: Normal
Chatbot Planning: The 5 Typical Types of Chatbot
시나리오형 챗봇
Scenario-Based Chatbot
Scenario-Based Chatbot

Combination Chatbot

It is possible to develop the chatbot by combination of various types. The latest chatbots are like the assembly for various types of the chatbot. Number of cases for its combination is different by business or service goals. However, a goal of the chatbot is all the same, which is to make the users to complete a service on the chatbot.

When it comes to Chatbot Planning: The 5 Types of Chatbot, costs, professionalism, and time for each type are all different. There is no answer, and it is necessary to find what is the best for your business through the preparation step.

결합형 챗봇
Combination Chatbot
Combination Chatbot

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